Monday, May 7, 2012

Doane Notebooks

This is not really a review of a Doane Paper Notebook, more my impressions after using it for a day. Thing I instantly liked: the rough sturdy pressed paper cover in grey. It looks like something that I imagine an architect or tech person would carry, suitable not just for notes but technical drawings. Thing I wasn't so certain about: the gridline paper. I wasn't at all sure about the darker lines and the contrast with the white paper. It seemed too busy for me.

Now that I've used it a day or so, I like the darker lines. I like having all that space divided into three more spaces. I can write tiny and large, put my glyphs on top, center them, at the bottom or use the whole space. It gives me so many choices and then I can add color without worrying that it is going to bleed through. Only the red-orangy Platinum Preppy highlighter can be seen on the other side and that is to be expected: I am not using highlighter ink in it. Even so, it doesn't bleed through or feather. Fountain pen ink doesn't either. And did I mention how smooth the paper is? It is. I'm liking this notebook a lot so far.

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