Monday, May 28, 2012

Basic Suri Tips

My nephew recently got his first iPhone and turned to me as a long time user with the question "What apps should I download?" I'm sorry to say that he got a blank stare and the counter question in return, "What do you want to do with it?"

He didn't know mainly because he has no idea what a smart phone does and, it turns out, I didn't know much more. Sure, I bought my first iPhone 3 or 4 years ago but I haven't kept up and I'm no businessman, like he is. So, sitting outside on the porch, we explored Suri first.

Tip #1- Fill in the data for yourself and your contacts so that Suri will know basics.

Tip #2 - Rather than flail around with commands hold down the home button (this brings up Suri) and tap on the i in the right hand lower corner. Up pops a list of suggested commands and questions and if you tap on each one, more suggestions about phrasing or things Suri can do. Until our back porch session, I did not know that.

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